Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It's the End of the World as We Know It...

Can things get any worse than they are now?

On Monday, over 50,000 more jobs were lost in this country, and there are more to come.

On Tuesday in Los Angeles, a man murdered his five children and his wife because they lost their jobs.

On Wednesday, the Post Office announced they are going to be cutting back to a 5 day workweek.

and....the Girl Scouts are trimming their cookies!

I mentioned in one of my earlier blogs what I thought about suicide and taking your kids along with you. It's appalling. The guy who did this was a selfish asshole. Those 5 kids did absolutely nothing to deserve death.

"Why leave our children in someone else's hands." is what the father said in his suicide note.

Why? You idiot, to give them a chance at life. That's why.

There are people out there suffering with illness. People with cancer. People with aids. People who look at every single day of life as a gift. And here are seven healthy people whose lives were just thrown away. Then there are people who are so desperate to have children but can't. I'm sure there are many who would have loved to take care of these kids. This just angers me to no end.

So where is this going to end? Are we on the verge of armageddon here?

We're supposed to be moving into a 2 bedroom apartment in mid-February, which will increase our rent by about $125 a month. We can afford it...but, I'm actually kind of worried about signing a new 1 year lease. Will we still have our jobs for a year? At this point I'm reluctant to enter into any long-term financial commitment. A new car? No. A house? We'd love one...but....are you crazy?

If there's any upside to this financial mess, at least we're getting a lot of restaurant coupons.


  1. Larry and I were talking about those 5 people in Bellflower too. The thing that bugs me is why kill oneself even over money? And then to take the children too? It doesn't even make sense. AND it makes me wonder if our system of Capitalism is the best, if people are so attached to money they'd kill their children when they are out of money.

    Even if they lose their home. Wouldn't living in a tent be better than killing everyone?

    Things may be changing, and I hope we aren't so attached to our way of doing things that we can't see another way. I don't know what that would be.

    I hope you guys keep your jobs. We had to take an early retirement, which is ruining our retirement plans. But we're ALIVE, which is more than I can say for those 5 little ones in Bellflower.

    Some people have their priorities and their egos all skewed up.

  2. Janet, please keep in mind that California is the most Socialist state in the US now. Not exactly a very good model for the rest of the states.

  3. I'm afraid the economic situation is going to get far worse before it gets better. Any government action to stem the tide must be followed by prudent fiscal behavior by the people also.

  4. "So where is this going to end? Are we on the verge of armageddon here?"

    No, we are not on the edge of an Armageddon (not saying that there isn't a possibility, but it wont be due to America's downfall). Many people in places like Africa and South East Asia still live in trashy huts, having half their family infested with diseases, and of course, "medical care" for them is pretty much non-existent.

    It's amazing how American's have become so absorbed in our own self-pity that we have lost our dignity completely.
