Friday, February 20, 2009

On Screenwriting

Since 1996, I've written four complete screenplays. The last one was I wrote was in 2003. Although I enjoy writing and I could probably write another one without too much trouble, I just don't have much interest in it anymore. I'm not very prolific when it comes to writing fiction. I seem to be much more prolific at blogging. :)

My first screenplay was a little horror story called "The Pumpkin Patch." It was about aliens being hatched from pumpkins on Halloween night and terrorizing a small town. Some people who read it liked it, but I don't think it was very good. I gave it to my creative writing teacher in college as extra credit, and he wrote that it was "derivative." He was right. It was. I copied a lot of cliched elements of many horror movies, including "Alien" and "Pumpkinhead." Still, as bad as it was, I tried harder to sell this script than any other script I have written since. My logic was that even though it might not be that good, I thought it was still better than the horror movies Hollywood was putting out in 1996.

I remember going to a horror-movie convention and showing my script to a director named Ted V. Mikels, who made a movie called "The Corpse Grinders." "The Corpse Grinders" is pure exploitation horror, and not even good exploitation horror. It has a rating of 2.2 on the Internet Movie Database ( Ted Mikels browsed through my script, and dismissed it very quickly.

"This has way too much dialogue." he said.

It did have a lot of dialogue. I had pages and pages of kids talking, and there wasn't any real violence or gore until the last 30 pages or so. Perhaps if I had corpses being ground within the first 5 pages, he would have liked it more.

In 1999, I took a screenwriting class in college. The only way to get an "A" in the class was to write a complete screenplay. This gave me the push that I needed to start writing again. I'm usually pretty lazy when it comes to writing. Someone or something really needs to motivate me.

The screenplay I wrote in that class was called "Descent." This was a story about a guy with an extremely boring life and extremely boring job who is slowly going crazy. At the end of the story he goes on a murderous rampage. Again, in looking back at this story, I don't think it's very good. Some people who read it thought that my main character went crazy far to easily and too quickly. The only part I can read now that I actually like is a scene where the main character accidentally drops a condom on his food during a first date with a woman he is trying to impress. At this point, the woman loses interest in him, thinking he was only interested in having sex with her. It's a pretty sad and pathetic scene. In some ways, this story was just a pale imitation of the movie "Taxi Driver."

I took one more screenwriting class in 2000, and I wrote a third screenplay. This one was called "L.A. is Dead." It was a personal story about a married couple on the brink of divorce who start going to seedy underground nightclubs hoping to spice up their marriage. Out of the four screenplays I've written, this one is the most autobiographical. I took incidents that came directly from my first marriage and embellished them a little to make it more dramatical. I never went to any seedy L.A. nightclubs (well, actually I did go to one, but just one.) But some of the conversations with the husband and wife, and their friends, was very close to verbatim of what was happening around this time in my life.

My ex-wife was enrolled in the screenwriting class with me at this time, and during the class we would all have to read our scripts out loud, with other students reading the various characters in the story. It must have been pretty tough for her to sit through this when it was being read. I like this script the best because it's the most personal, but other people hated it.

In 2003, when I was dating this Russian girl named Iryna, she convinced me to start writing another script. She claimed to know people in the movie industry (which turned out to be a bunch of BS), so I gave it another shot. I decided to try to write another horror story, so I wrote a script called "Small Town Evil." This was about a single father whose daughter becomes possessed by the spirit of a murdered girl. The father goes to the town where the girl was murdered, and he ends up falling in love with the mother of the dead girl. Obviously, I didn't have a daughter at the time I wrote this, and my ex-wife told me that I didn't know how to write "the way children talk." I think I did okay, but looking back it now I think the story is a bit formulaic. Better than "The Pumpkin Patch", though.

So now it's six years later, and I have yet to write any new fiction story. I did write my blog about my life in Taiwan last year, but that kind of writing comes much more easily. Telling a fictional story is much harder for me. First, you have to try to think of an idea that hasn't been used before, and that's almost impossible. Just about everything has been done before. The best you can really do is try to think of a new way to tell the same story, and hopefully do it better.

For me, I also have to overcome the blank screen in front of me when I begin writing. It's quite intimidating. The first line of the first page is always the hardest. Whenever I was writing a script, I never had everything planned out. I only had notes about scenes that I liked, and very vague ideas about what was going to happen.

Next, I often ask myself "Who's' going to read this?" as I'm writing. When you're writing for an audience that you know is going to be less than the fingers on your hand, it's easy to give up. My last script I wrote primarily for Iryna, and other than her, maybe only about 5 other people read it. Finally, becoming successful as a screenwriter has very little to do with being a good writer. It's all about "connections" and who you know. Even if I wrote something everyone thought was great, it's very hard to get a screenplay into the hands of a producer.

Writing a blog seems to be much easier. I can write as little or as much as I want, on pretty much any topic that I want. On a blog, I don't consider anything "off limits." I might only get one reader for one blog entry, but maybe 50 for another. You never know, really, who's reading at any given time. This just seems like the best medium for me at this time. If I decide to write a new story someday (and I probably will eventually), I'm sure I'll publish it here first. It's my blog, right? :)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Elmo In Austin!

So, after a month of waiting, Sara's big day came. The day when she would finally see ELMO live in the flesh!

Throughout the day, she kept asking me "When are we going to see Elmo?"
"2 o'clock" I told her.
"Oh, when will it be 2 o'clock?" Sara asked. I looked at my watch.
"In about 2 hours." I replied.
"Oh, okay." (Brief pause) "Is it 2 o'clock yet?"

And this went on and on until 2 pm finally rolled around and Elmo came out on stage.

Kyle went with us too but he wasn't nearly excited as Sara was. He lost interest about 30 minutes into the show and tried to wander around the theater. Kyle actually lasted longer than I did. I started looking at my watch about 20 minutes into the show. The show was primarily singing and dancing, there weren't really any funny sketches that I was used to seeing on "Sesame Street." When they took a 15 minute intermission after about 45 minutes into the show, I was relieved. 90 minutes would have been too tedious.

During the break, a bunch of guys came out with "Elmo Balloons." Sara, of course, wanted one, but as soon as I found out they were ten dollars a piece, I said "forget it." I wasn't going to spend 10 bucks on a balloon that's going to be popped and laying on the floor in the morning. Just not worth it. Elmo is certainly a capitalist if I've ever seen one.

(Pictures: 1. Arriving at the Erwin Center. 2. Taking our seats. 3. Our view of the stage. 4. & 5. Elmo and his friends in action.)

Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine's Day

One of my rather goofy colleagues approached me yesterday and said "Hey, K-nasty. What are you doing for Valentine's Day?"

K-Nasty? I've been called a lot of things before, but this is the first time I've ever been called "K-Nasty"

"Moving to a new apartment." I told him.
"Awesome." he replied. This is a guy with tattoos on his arms and speaks in California "surfer" lingo.

Valentine's Day is supposed to be a romantic day with just you and your significant other. This Valentine's Day, though, will be spent moving into our new, two-bedroom apartment. We're going to be living in the same complex as before, just a different, bigger apartment.

On that same afternoon, we're going to see "Sesame Street Live: Elmo's Green Thumb." That should be quite an experience. I'm expecting it to be full of screaming kids going crazy every time Elmo shows up on stage. I'll have a report on that later.

So, our Valentine's Day this year won't be very romantic. It will be filled with kids and the aches and pains of moving heavy furniture. But, to keep in the Valentine's Day spirit, I'm going to post some pictures of Christy and I from our wedding day (pictures I haven't posted before). These pictures are pretty romantic, and it reminds me of the time we had together before the babies arrived. Oh, those were the days....

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Video - Kung Fu Kids

Here's a new video taken just a few days ago. The kids have a new favorite movie now, "Kung-Fu Panda." It used to be WALL-E, but you know how limited a kid's attention span is. For a "non-Pixar" cartoon, I think "Kung-Fu Panda" is pretty good, actually. It's funny, it has some good action scenes, and you learn a little about Chinese culture as well.

So this video is the kids listening to the song "Kung-Fu fighting" and practicing their kung-fu moves (although Kyle just seems to be running around in circles.)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Economy Claims Another Victim

After nearly 13 years working for the same company, my friend Jerry Yen just lost his job today. Another victim to what seems to be the worst recession in my lifetime.

"I got back from vacation today to find out my job was gone, along with 500 others. Laid off." Jerry told me this morning.

This is the second person I know personally who has been laid off in the last few months. My ex-wife Amber also got sacked a little over a month ago. Jerry, at least, received a pretty good severance package. He's getting a years salary. That gives him a year to find another job, if he needs it. Since he lives in California, he probably will need it.

California, it seems, is on the verge of bankruptcy. Governor Arnold "Terminator" Schwarzenegger has been saying that California is almost out of money. He's also telling people not to expect any state tax refunds anytime soon. Wow. Guess I won't plan on my return to L.A. in the next few years.

I told Jerry he should move out of California. He could even come to Austin. The recession isn't as bad here as it is in much of the country. While California is at nearly 10% unemployment, Texas is only around 5%. Both the company I work for and the company my wife works for are still hiring people, although I don't feel my job is "recession proof" by any means.

I'm sure Jerry will find something eventually. He's a good worker and a nice guy. He doesn't seem to be too worried, either:

"What are you going to do now?" I asked him.
"I'll probably backpack across Taiwan." he replied.

(Picture: from left to right- Jerry, Christy, Me and Sara, from 2005)

Monday, February 9, 2009

5 Years Later - Photos From Taiwan

It was 5 years ago today that I left for Taiwan. I was looking through a lot of my old Taiwan photos and decided to share a few more here. I don't think I posted these before on my other blog, so here they are:

(Pictures: 1. A temple at Toroko Gorge. 2. Another view of Toroko Gorge. 3. Dr. Sun Yat Sen's home in Taipei. 4. Birds at the 2/28 Peace Park 5. The hostel I stayed at when I first arrived in Taiwan, "Happy Family.)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Re-Evaluating Taiwan

It's been nearly nine months since I left Taiwan. I still find myself reading the forums at pretty regularly, trying to get the latest news. Not much has really changed. The expats there are still complaining about the same things that I complained about five years ago when I first arrived in Taiwan: rude locals, obnoxious students, incompetent management at the schools, terrible drivers, terrible pollution, etc. I honestly can't see Taiwan becoming a first-class tourist destination anytime soon.

For some reason, I'm still getting email quite often from schools that want to hire me as an English teacher. I haven't placed an ad on "Tealit" for some time now, yet the emails keep coming. Usually I'll just delete them, but occasionally I'll pass them on to my friend David, who is still living in Kaohsiung. Some of the job offers I'm getting are complete crap. Jobs that I'd never accept even if I was still living in Taiwan. One offer was a part-time job in Shalu. Shalu is a town to the west of Taichung. It's not a great town. I'd rate it even lower than Hsinchu. If my choice was living there or living here in Austin, I'd pick Austin any day of the week. Hands down.

I have, though, gotten other offers. Better offers. Most of them in Taichung, and many of them paying very well. When I see how bad the economy is here, I can't help but think that many of these unemployed people could probably find work in Taiwan or some other Asian country teaching English. Even though the Taiwan economy is pretty bad right now, there still seems to be no shortage of demand for English teachers. Unemployed Taiwanese people are trying to improve their English so they'll have a competitive edge in the job market. This may actually be the best time to find work as a teacher in Taiwan.

At this moment in time, I've decided that there are only two scenarios that would cause me to return to teaching English in Taiwan:
1. Both my wife and I lose our jobs and we're on the brink of homelessness. If my choice is either standing outside with a cardboard sign saying "Will Work For Food" or playing "Super Pig" for the millionth time with bratty Taiwanese kids, I'll choose Taiwan. I'll swallow my pride, break out the 1980's textbooks that Taiwan uses, and start teaching again.

2. I get a great offer from a school in Taipei City. And this would have to be one great offer, and not some part-time, two hour a week job, either. Taipei City is the only place in Taiwan that I would want to live if I have a choice. It's really the only city worth visiting on the whole Island of Taiwan. To paraphrase John Lennon: "If Taiwan was the Roman empire, then Taipei City is Rome itself." Why live anywhere else? Yeah, it's very expensive to live there, but so is just about any great city.