Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Pentagon

Other than the 9/11 Memorial, there is very little to see at the Pentagon, unless you have a pass to tour the building, which we didn't.  As soon as you get off at the Pentagon subway station, and go up the escalator, you see signs everywhere that tell you not to take pictures.  You are also reminded that there are "thousands" of eyes watching you.  I have to admit, I felt uncomfortable here.  As we were walking to the 9/11 Memorial, we paused for a few minutes to get a drink of water.  A security officer approached us almost immediately, wanting to know where we were going.  If this is the kind of reception given to a white guy with small children, imagine someone of Arabic descent casually strolling outside the Pentagon.

We were told we could take pictures inside the 9/11 Memorial, but nowhere else.  So I was able to snap the few pictures you see here.

The memorial is actually quite nice.  With each of the 184 victims (from American Airlines Flight 77, and the victims in the Pentagon building) given their own illuminated bench with running water.  The youngest victim was only 3 years old.

1 comment:

  1. It seems to have changed a bit since my last visit (in 1999). Tours were very easy to get into, and the only memorial was a few flowers on a wall for that dude who set himself on fire during Vietnam.
