Thursday, April 9, 2009


Yesterday, at the hospital where I work, they had an Easter egg hunt for the children of employees. Since both Sara and Kyle are at that age where they enjoy stuff like that, I decided it might be a fun idea for them to go.

I was right. They loved it.

I can only remember doing this as a child one time in my life. It was at this place called "Apollo Park" in Downey. I must have been around 8 years old, maybe younger. We just ran around picking up Easter eggs, then we counted them, and traded them in for some sort of candy. It was fun.

Since then, my family has never really celebrated Easter, other than my mom giving us some chocolate rabbits (or, in my brothers case, marshmallow "Peeps".)

Easter is one of those bizarre holidays that I had to explain to my students when I was a teacher in Taiwan. They wanted to know how the days when you're supposed to remember the death and resurrection of Christ turned into bunny rabbits and eggs. I honestly have no idea how this happened.

(Pictures: Sara, Kyle, and the Easter Bunny at the Easter Egg Hunt.)

1 comment:

  1. When we were at the mall earlier this week, there was an easter bunny, very much like the one in your picture. He was taking pictures with children.

    Larry noted to me that the Easter Bunny was kind of scary, like clowns are. LOL

