Sunday, December 7, 2008

Horseshoe Bay

This weekend we travelled to a small, lakeside town called Horseshoe Bay. It's about an hour or so Northwest of Austin. The company that Christy works for was having their annual Christmas party at the Marriot Hotel. No kids were allowed at the party, so I offered to watch the kids in the hotel room (which was free, thankfully) while Christy went to the party. The hotel offered babysitting service, which was actually just a list of about 15 names I could call. I called every number on the list, hoping someone could babysit so I could go to the party. It didn't happen. Every person on the list was either a.) not in town b.) busy or c.) didn't answer the phone. So my Saturday night was spent watching two kids pretending to be rock stars and trashing a hotel room.

I generally like to go to company Christmas parties. It's the one time of year when your employer decides to be generous and give you a lot of free stuff. The dinner is usually good, and then they give away a lot of expensive gifts as door prizes. Christy didn't win anything, but they did give us a pretty nice gift basket.

As for the town of Horseshoe Bay, I couldn't find any place where the lake was accessible to the public. It was all attached to condos and private residences. If you're rich, it seemed like a pretty nice place to left, but for the rest of us, kinda boring. There were also several golf courses out there. Again, though, this was a place primarily for people with expendable income. Had the hotel room not been free, I would see no reason to come here.

Still, the hotel was nice (as most Marriots are), and there was a lot of nice scenery surrounding it. I guess if Christy still works for this company next year, we'll probably be back. For now, though, we've got one more Christmas party coming up next weekend. My company is having one in Round Rock, which is not nearly as far as Horseshoe Bay.

(Pictures: 1. The Marriot Hotel in Horseshoe Bay. 2. Christy and the kids. 3. The "Oriental Garden" outside the hotel. 4. Christy and her boss. 5. More Horseshoe Bay scenery.)


  1. Hi Ken, You recently mentioned that Christy changed jobs. Just wondering what type of work she's doing now... Does she like it okay?

  2. Yeah, she likes the job, especially the schedule. She only works from 8am to 1pm, and then I work from 2pm to 10:30, so we don't have to pay over a thousand dollars a month in daycare anymore. That's the best thing about it. She works less, but now we're making more money.

  3. Nice read, as usual Ken. As you probably know, there are a lot of people who read your blog, but don't comment. Keep up the good work, and make sure to post about your next Christmas party (and Christmas day, of course)
