Thursday, January 17, 2013

My First Fiction Book Now Available

My first short fiction story is now available at Amazon on the Kindle for only 99 cents.  It's called "Interstate 10" and it's a supernatural/suspense/horror thing around 40-50 pages (depending on the size of your Kindle.)

If you happen to pick it up, keep in mind that this is a short story, and that's the reason why events transpire rather quickly.  So please don't complain about it being too short.  It's supposed to be.

The same guy (idrewdesign) designed the cover for this.  It wasn't the image I was expecting, but I still like it.  It's still better than anything I could have done on my own.

I haven't gotten my nerve up to write a novel yet, nor am I even sure I can do it.  The time and dedication it takes to write a novel are daunting.  With continual interruptions from the wife and kids, it's difficult to even write a short story these days.  I'd have to be able to lock myself into a room for 8 hours a day to put the kind of effort into a novel that I'd like to.

My regular readers of this blog (assuming they are still around) are probably saying "Is that what this blog has become now?  Just a promotional tool for your freakin' books on Amazon?!"

The answer is YES AND NO.

I have no more books pending on the horizon.  My blog/books are finished, and that was the only short story I had been working on.  That's it for now.  So...eventually I'll return to the blog you once remembered, but of course I'll still my promote my stuff.  Who wouldn't?  :)

You can buy the short story here.


  1. Ken, two things, yes, keep promoting. You will talk about more, no doubt, but keep promoting the ones you published.

    AND, please start another short story. Even if it is the outline. If you get ideas, jot them down quickly so you'll still have them later. Write novels when the kids are older or grown. IF you are so inclined.

    Wasn't it Flannery O'Connor who write lots of amazing short stories? I love her short stories. I can read them over again and still enjoy them.

    So, do it as best you can. Don't apologize either. How will anyone know they are out there if you don't talk about it? It's all about marketing.

    There is a famous doll maker. I've taken a class from him a few years ago. I don't really use what he taught us, but enjoyed the class a lot. And I shop from his online store now and again. BUT, before he was a doll maker, he was a marketer! He knows how to market, how to sell himself and his dolls and his products.

    So, just do it. You don't need to explain why you are talking about your work. Heck, it's your work! You need to talk about it for people to know. Have at it. Good luck! You ARE a good writer. Do what you can do.

  2. This cover looks like a bad movie poster.

    I think the first cover was the best. Anyone who has ever been to Taiwan will recognize it as any of a million temples, while most Americans will think of it as some exotic Oriental locale.

  3. this cover is good too but the first one was the best.plastic business cards
