Thursday, January 10, 2013

And Finally...The Third Book!

So...I have another book out, called "The Reluctant Austinite."  I've decided, with this book, I'm not going to go all out and try to promote it (other than this blog, of course).  This is just a simple, under the radar release for me.

When I was editing the 2nd book, "From Taiwan to Texas," I had realized that I left out a lot of the Texas and Austin stories, and I wanted to make a special book with just those stories (and several of my other stories as well.)  It's not like the other books at all.  It doesn't really touch any of the deep and dark sections of the other books.  This is more of a light-hearted thing, which means I'll be lucky to sell one or two copies (okay, maybe three.)

Speaking of sales, I was a bit surprised to see that my previous two books are actually selling.  I'm averaging about maybe one per day.  Okay, these aren't life changing numbers, but something is better than nothing, right?  Reading the "Author Forums" on Amazon, I've seen many writers complaining about not selling a single copy of their book, after months and months.  So I guess selling a dozen or so is something to celebrate.  I also had a few promotional days where I gave the book away for free, and several hundred people downloaded them.  The promotional days are supposed to encourage people to buy your other work.  Sometimes it works, sometimes not.

Anyway, this is my final book (I promise!) that will be based around my blogs.  There won't be any more.  The next book I plan to publish on Amazon will be a fiction story that I'm working on right now.  It's a short story, probably under 50 pages, that I'll sell for around 99 cents when it's finished.  I'm hoping that some of my loyal readers (however few or many there may be) will follow me to the next genre.  We'll see.

You can buy the third book here

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