Friday, May 20, 2011

Doomsday is Here!!! (tomorrow)

I was planning to write this tomorrow, on the actual "Doomsday" that everyone is talking about, but figured I better do it now. I don't think I will have time tomorrow, as I will most likely be running for my life, trying to escape from being dragged into the pits of hell.

I really love all these doomsday prophecies, just to get the reactions from the people who actually believe it when it doesn't happen.

A famous fortune teller in Taiwan predicted a major earthquake on May 11th with a magnitude of 14.0 on the Richter scale. Taiwanese people ran out and bought expensive earthquake shelters. Obviously it didn't happen, and the fortune teller later said "Ah...I was just drunk when I made that prediction."

This time, some evangelical Christian broadcaster (and nutjob) named Harold Camping has got everyone stirred up about the supposed upcoming apocalypse on May 21st. I even read a story about some fool who spent his entire life savings of $140,000 to place advertisements all over town, warning people about "Judgment Day." The guy could have just gave me that money, and I could have placed his warning on my blog!

Camping has made this prediction before, claiming the end of the world would be in 1994. When that didn't happen, he said his "calculations were wrong." So, what will he say this time? I guess they will just keep pushing it back, like the Jehovah's Witnesses keep doing with their Armageddon predictions. I think the Jehovah's Witnesses have the lead on the number of failed predictions, as they mention specific dates in 1875, 1914, 1915, 1918, 1920, 1925, 1941, and 1975. I guess they finally gave up their prophecies when they realized how ridiculous they looked.

As for me, being an agnostic, I don't believe any of it. I believe that the world as we know it will end eventually, but not because of God's "Judgment Day." It will be because of what man has done to this planet. The drilling, the cutting down of the trees and rainforests, the pollutants going into the air every day, our overpopulation. All of these are contributing to global warming, and will someday cause a major catastrophe. Maybe not in my lifetime, or even my children's lifetime, but it can't go on like this forever.

So...let's say that wacky ol' Harold Camping is correct, and tomorrow is indeed our last day on earth. How will I spend it? Thankfully, it's a Saturday, and I'll be at home with my family. It would suck to be stuck at work when the world ends.


  1. Yes, Camping is a kook. I agree. Yet, consider... if what he says is ridiculous - and it is - the same must be said about the alarmist environmental scuttlebutt you keep hearing about, i.e., "what man has done to the planet". Both fundamentalist Christianity and doomsayer environmentalism are faith based cults where the adherents "want" to believe. Evidence in the form of scripture or scientific datum is grossly distorted and misinterpreted. Al Gore is no different than Harold Camp when the corn is shucked. Both are Chicken Little.

    We, the human race might succeed some day in annihilating ourselves, but is it the height of our arrogance and ignorance as a sentient species to think that we could ever destroy this planet. However much we pollute or scar or radiate this orb, the only thing that will forever disappear will be homo sapiens. Species go extinct, but in the colossal scope of time, the Earth will heal and clean itself and go on. Other life forms will rise to take our place. Only when the sun runs out of fuel in 5 to 6 billion years will the last page be turned. Only in the context of universal time, are you correct that "it can't go on like this forever".

  2. Jesus said, "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." (Matthew 24:35-36)

    This is straight from the first book in the New Testament. Any Christian should know this verse. I cannot imagine why ANYONE is giving Mr. Camping even 2 seconds of time or attention.

  3. Taylor, the ones who believe him want to believe. They simply want to.

    The rest are just having some fun.

