Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ramblings #5

I watched the Oscar ceremony on Sunday night, and I have to say, it was the worst I've ever seen. I've watched the show regularly since I was a kid, and I've seen some bad shows and bad hosts, but James Franco and Anne Hathaway really take the cake as the worst hosts in the history of Oscar. I have to really single out James Franco. He seemed either totally bored, or stoned, or just totally indifferent to the whole event. I liked his performance in "127 Hours", but his performance at the Oscars will go down in history as a major catastrophe.

I haven't seen "The King's Speech" yet, so I can't really say if it's worthy of the Best Picture award. It seems many people don't think so, and feel that "The Social Network" was robbed. It wouldn't be the first time the wrong movie won Best Picture.
Kyle is nearly 4 years old and still not potty trained. If we want him to go to Pre-K later this year, he needs to learn how to use the toilet by August. Compared to Sara, Kyle's development seems to be much slower.
The Westboro Baptist Church, in Topeka, Kansas, seems to have avoided paying a 5 million dollar lawsuit, thanks to the Supreme Court. As much as I despise Fred Phelps and his church, with all their hate-filled "God Hates Fags" signs (among many others), I think the court made the right decision. Freedom of speech is freedom of speech, and that's one of the great things about this country. People can say whatever they want, no matter how rude or ridiculous. What I find really sad, though, is when I see small children holding those signs. These kids don't really understand what they're doing, and their brains are being poisoned by this hate. Parents have such an enormous influence on their children, and this kind of upbringing is just going to make their adult lives difficult.
I seem to have gotten a lot of comments on my last "Ramblings" post regarding abortion. Just for the record, I'm not "pro-abortion." I'm against it, but I don't think it should be made illegal. Does that automatically make me "pro" abortion? I don't think so. Obviously there is a deeper problem here, where kids these days seem to have an indifferent attitude towards sex and pregnancy. Too many teenagers in America (and especially here in Texas) think that having a baby at 16 years old is no big deal. This kind of thinking needs to change.


  1. I've forgotten how old my youngest was when he was potty trained. Older than the rest of my kids had been, but younger than Kyle. I'll tell ya what I did. He was potty trained instantly! LOL

    One day I ran out of diapers. I told him, very respectfully, that I'd forgotten to buy them, and could he please use the toilet until I could get some more. He very seriously told me he would. And he did. And I never bought more, and he was potty trained, bam, just like that.


  2. I think I'll try that one. I'll let you know if it works.
