Friday, March 11, 2011

America, Hamburgers, and Heart Attacks

Only in America do we have restaurants that celebrate the obese.

I had never heard of the "Heart Attack Grill" until I saw a story about their 575 pound spokesman dying at age 29. He didn't die of a heart attack, as you would probably assume from his picture, but instead he died of pneumonia (no doubt made worse from his size.) Anyone who says obesity played no part in his death is fooling themselves.

The "Heart Attack Grill", which is opening a new restaurant in Dallas soon, sells 8,000 calorie "Quadruple Bypass Burgers", french fries cooked in lard, and soda with extra servings of sugar. Customers over 350 pounds get to eat for free. Wow.

Should this place be shut down, as many health specialists are calling for? No, I don't think it should, but I'm hoping this sort of place doesn't catch on with the public and become a national chain.

This is America, after all, and we have the right to do whatever we want to ourselves as long as it's not harming anyone else. Anyone going into this restaurant knows that they might not come out alive. At least this restaurant is honest up front about how unhealthy everything is.

However, the problem with this restaurant (other than how extremely unhealthy it is), is that it's embarrassing to us as a country. The rest of the world tends to look at America as a bunch of fat pigs who eat far too much of the world supply of food. I had read somewhere once that America only takes up 20% of the population, but yet we eat 80% of the worlds food. We are gluttons. We overindulge in everything. This restaurant only makes that case stronger.

(Picture: The spokesman for the Heart Attack Grill, dead at age 29)

1 comment:

  1. The United States: home to anorexic heroin models and big, fat, sweaty lumps of cow meat.
