Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sara the Artist

When Sara and Kyle were in the daycare center, I used to have all morning to myself before I would have to leave for work. Then when I got home around 10:30 at night, they'd be asleep. I'd only see them for about 30 minutes in the morning and that was it. I'll have to be honest and say that sometimes I appreciated my break from them. It's a tough and frustrating job to watch two kids. But after a while I began to miss them. So, although I knew that once we pulled them out of daycare, my mornings would no longer be free, I still welcomed it.

The problem with watching two kids all morning is that you have to find something for them to do. Sure, I could just turn on the tv and let them zone out all morning (which I'll admit I've done.) But you also need some activities for them as well.

Sara's favorite activity seems to be drawing and painting. She can't get enough of it. She's got dozens of pieces of artwork all over the apartment. Some of it is on the wall, some in the bedroom, some on the refrigerator. Much of it is just scribbling, but others look pretty good, considering her age.

We're thinking about buying her an easel for Christmas, along with crayons and paint and lots of paper. Of course, we could be inviting catastrophe. Sara turned our last apartment in Taiwan into a living art exhibit. I'm sure the landlord wasn't too happy when she saw the walls after we left. We've also got Kyle, who seems like he would prefer to eat the crayons and brushes rather than use them to paint or draw. I guess we'll still risk it.

(Pictures: 1. Sara. 2. Sara's art. 3. More of Sara's art)


  1. Oh yes, just let her do it! She is so young and it looks like she has a good sense of color already, and a good sense of balance, and good observation.

    Let me warn you, sometime between about 8 or 9 and 11, most kids get the idea they "can't draw". They think they aren't artistic. Creativity gets hidden in other things.

    Somehow find a way for her to know that perfection isn't important, that making the art from her soul is the important and exciting thing.

    Eventually get her involved in learning techniques. Now, IMHO, is too young.

    She certainly is a beautiful child.


  2. That is the cutest picture of her!
