Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Circus Comes to Austin

Here are just some of the pictures we took on Saturday night from the Ringling Brothers Circus here in Austin.

Overall, I enjoyed it more than the Elmo show that I took the kids to a while back. The Elmo show bored the hell out of me. This was more entertaining. It had some moments that fell flat, though: the clowns were not very interesting, the guy blowing bubbles was dull, and there was some comedy sketch with a girl on a trapeze that went nowhere. Still, the tigers, elephants, and the 7 motorcycles riding in the dome were pretty cool.

Sara and Kyle, as usual, started to lose interest around the 90 minute mark and started playing with the kids in the seats behind us.

(Pictures: 1. Arriving at the Circus. 2. The tigers contemplate eating their trainer. 3. Elephant tricks. Did any of the elephants go crazy during this performance and attack the audience? Unfortunately, no. 4. Kyle and Sara, looking at me instead of the show. 5. Circus performers.)

1 comment:

  1. When you have seen these animals in their natural habitat it is very difficult to watch them imprisoned and forced to perform.

    I'd never fuck a clown. Unless it was for revenge.
