Friday, October 31, 2008


I always liked Halloween as a kid. Next to Christmas, it was my second favorite holiday (although it's not officially a holiday.) This year will be the kids first Halloween here in America. They don't celebrate Halloween in Taiwan, and many Taiwanese people have asked me about the meaning behind this holiday. To them it seemed pretty strange.

Having moved to the night shift at work recently, I'll be working this Halloween night, unfortunately. Although, had I been home, I'm not sure the kids are ready for trick-or-treating yet. Kyle can barely walk, and Sara is is still extremely shy around everyone except for me and my wife. I doubt she would want to walk up to peoples doors and yell "trick or treat." I'd end up having to do everything for her. I think next year she'll be ready. 4 years old seems like a good age to start.

So this year we'll just be carving pumpkins and watching scary movies. I like to play John Carpenter's "Halloween" this time of year. It's probably the best, and most classic of all the "Halloween" themed horror movies. It relies more on tension and suspense than gore and simple shocks. If you've never seen it, rent it, but avoid the 2007 remake by Rob Zombie. I was really disappointed with it. Although I liked Rob Zombie's previous films (House of 1,000 Corpses and The Devil's Rejects), his style just doesn't work here. His remake isn't scary in the slightest.

Halloween brings back a lot of memories for me when I was a kid. My friend David (the one in Taiwan) and I used to dress up and go to the local park in Downey (Apollo Park). We use to scarf down on the free hot dogs that they would give away on Halloween, and then we would enter the costume contest. On separate years we each won first place in the costume contest. David won when he dressed up like Admiral Ackbar from "Return of the Jedi," although he called his costume "A Spokesman for the Reagan-Bush Campaign." I won the following year, dressed as a bag of McDonalds french fries. After that, we would go back to my moms house and annoy her with Halloween pranks. David would ring the doorbell, wait until my mom gave him some candy, leave, and then go back again to try to get more candy. My mom, not knowing that it was David, would start to get irritated and say "You've already been here several times! No more candy for you!"

Yes, those were fun times.

(Picture: Sara, Kyle and the Halloween pumpkin)

1 comment:

  1. That cracked me up, the story about your mother. I can see her in my mind's eye saying that. LOL How funny. KIDS! Yours will get you someday too. hahaha
