I was reading today that McCain has a very good chance of becoming president because "racist democrats" won't vote for a black president. (http://news.yahoo.com/page/election-2008-political-pulse-obama-race).
Living in Texas, I already know that McCain will win this state. Although I still plan to vote, my vote is pretty much wasted here. The best it will do is add to the overall "popular vote." I think Obama will get the most votes here in Austin, but the rest of Texas isn't as open-minded as Austin.
I overheard my colleagues at work complaining about Bush and the economy the other day, so I asked them,
"If you hate Bush so much, why did you Texans re-elect him in 2004? By then you already knew that he sucked, why give him another 4 years to destroy the country even more?"
"Because we didn't like the other guy." my colleague answered.
That would be John Kerry. Apparantley to them, he was worse than another 4 years of Bush. I'm guessing people will have the same opinion when it comes to Obama. As much as they don't like McCain, they will think he's better than a black president.
I just don't get it. I don't see the logic of voting for McCain. When something is not working, we FIX IT. We don't keep using the same faulty equipment.
Look at the state of our country today. Bush and the Republicans took Clinton's surplus and turned it into a record deficit that the country will still be paying back when my kids are grown adults. We're paying more for gas and food and just about everything else. A lot of this, of course, is because of what's going on in Iraq. The instability in the middle east is part of the reason why gas is so high, and because gas is high, it costs more to import food here.
Our reputation to the rest of the world has dropped considerably. Americans are hated worldwide. When I was living in Taiwan, during the height of the hatred of Americans, I often told people I was from Canada. That's how bad it got. There are several Asian countries I would have liked to visit during my four years in Taiwan, but I didn't for fear of being kidnapped and/or beheaded.
Do we really want another four years of this? More war? Increasing gas and food prices? Recession? America is broke, and we have to do something, anything to fix it.
Also, look at McCains vice presidential choice, Sarah Palin. McCain is an old man and might not even make it through his first term. This Palin woman is SCARY, with some extreme right-wing views that make Dubya look like a Kennedy.
Is Barack Obama really the answer to all of our problems here in America? Who knows? Maybe not, but we have to at least give him a chance. Just give the guy 4 years to see what he can do. If he sucks, just vote him out. Do you want things to get so bad that you can't even afford to live anymore, just because you're afraid to vote for someone that is black?
Get past your prejudices, people. Think about saving this country instead.
(Picture: Do we really need another angry old white dude as president?)
Living in Texas, I already know that McCain will win this state. Although I still plan to vote, my vote is pretty much wasted here. The best it will do is add to the overall "popular vote." I think Obama will get the most votes here in Austin, but the rest of Texas isn't as open-minded as Austin.
I overheard my colleagues at work complaining about Bush and the economy the other day, so I asked them,
"If you hate Bush so much, why did you Texans re-elect him in 2004? By then you already knew that he sucked, why give him another 4 years to destroy the country even more?"
"Because we didn't like the other guy." my colleague answered.
That would be John Kerry. Apparantley to them, he was worse than another 4 years of Bush. I'm guessing people will have the same opinion when it comes to Obama. As much as they don't like McCain, they will think he's better than a black president.
I just don't get it. I don't see the logic of voting for McCain. When something is not working, we FIX IT. We don't keep using the same faulty equipment.
Look at the state of our country today. Bush and the Republicans took Clinton's surplus and turned it into a record deficit that the country will still be paying back when my kids are grown adults. We're paying more for gas and food and just about everything else. A lot of this, of course, is because of what's going on in Iraq. The instability in the middle east is part of the reason why gas is so high, and because gas is high, it costs more to import food here.
Our reputation to the rest of the world has dropped considerably. Americans are hated worldwide. When I was living in Taiwan, during the height of the hatred of Americans, I often told people I was from Canada. That's how bad it got. There are several Asian countries I would have liked to visit during my four years in Taiwan, but I didn't for fear of being kidnapped and/or beheaded.
Do we really want another four years of this? More war? Increasing gas and food prices? Recession? America is broke, and we have to do something, anything to fix it.
Also, look at McCains vice presidential choice, Sarah Palin. McCain is an old man and might not even make it through his first term. This Palin woman is SCARY, with some extreme right-wing views that make Dubya look like a Kennedy.
Is Barack Obama really the answer to all of our problems here in America? Who knows? Maybe not, but we have to at least give him a chance. Just give the guy 4 years to see what he can do. If he sucks, just vote him out. Do you want things to get so bad that you can't even afford to live anymore, just because you're afraid to vote for someone that is black?
Get past your prejudices, people. Think about saving this country instead.
(Picture: Do we really need another angry old white dude as president?)
You seem to believe that McCain and Palin are very transparent--meaning they are very honest and open about their views. Can you say the same about Obama? Does he want to change D.C. or all of America? ...in what ways? Did you know that he recently said 'my Muslim beliefs' in an interview less than two weeks ago? (Check youtube.) Is a black person being racist by not voting for McCain? Obama (who is actually bi-racial) could be half-Green and half-Purple for all I care. I voted for Kerry back in 2004, by the way!
ReplyDeleteWe need a new start of sorts. No matter who gets in, they're inheriting a HUGE mess, and will be blamed for part of it. Clinton got credit for some things that the elder Bush got rolling (don't ask what, I forgot what they were,) so whoever is next will get some of the blame for things the young Bush administration has done. It rolls downhill and happens every change of administration I imagine.
ReplyDeleteI voted for Kerry, because I knew he couldn't win Kansas. If he had been able to win Kansas, I likely would have voted third party. I was as afraid of him as I was Bush. I still, to this day, think Kerry would have been a lousy prez. Yeah, maybe every bit as bad as Bush. We'll never know though.
McCain will win Kansas. But we're both voting for Obama. We have to at least let our thoughts be known. We also don't want McCain to be able to say he won in a landslide. And, want to add to the popular vote.
Things are so bad now that it is downright scary. I never did understand Bush getting voted back in, except that Kerry was so unpleasant and came off like some kind of dunce that he was kind of scary too. That election was incredibly nasty, a whole lot worse than this one has been so far.
If the democrats had run someone good, maybe they would have won that election. We'll never know that either.
I sure hope Obama wins.
Have you read his book "The Audacity of Hope."
One last thought. We don't want more war. And we feel like McCain might be as hell bent on having his own war like Bush was.
When I was a kid, this country was so different from what it is today. I love this country and I could cry at what I've seen happen.
In some ways it is better, for instance civil rights. In some ways worse. It's a shame we couldn't get just better and better and leave behind the worst.
ReplyDeleteYou actually can't believe that Clinton being president was the reason the United States had a budget surplus anymore than Bush was the cause for its demise. The reasons for that were far more complex.
A combination of innovation and productivity in industry that resulted in increased tax revenues, favorable interest rates and the collapse of the Soviet Union among many other reasons too numerous to list were the cause of the surplus. It simply is not in the purview of a president, Democrat or Republican, to have such power.
Food and oil prices also go beyond what is happening in Iraq. Increased demand in the burgeoning populations and economies of China and India along with decreased oil output from OPEC members can be cited for this.
As for Americans being hated around the world, I couldn't disagree more. I have lived in France, Germany, Thailand, Taiwan and now Japan in the past 7 years and most of the people I have met have a great admiration for Americans and what we stand for. The only people I have met that hated Americans were twenty and thirty something North Americans who want to be socially fashionable... and radical Muslims from the middle east. I am proud to be an American and don't hide it to please anyone. America is in a tight spot right now, but we've been in tighter spots before and prevailed against all odds. We will do so again.
And to believe that McCain is exactly like Bush is like believing Harry Truman was just like Franklin D. Roosevelt or that John F. Kennedy was exactly like Lyndon Johnson. Being president is not an easy job. Whether it is Clinton, Bush, McCain or Obama, they have done or will do the best they can to execute the office. None of them have an intention to destroy the the nation. None of them have evil designs. Each of them just have have their own vision. In the end, they are all patriots doing the best they can for their country in their own way. We may not always agree with them, but they are still our leaders who deserve a measure of our respect, if not our esteem.
I suggest you read the book "John Adams" for a little perspective. I think you will enjoy the political insights it will bring to you.
Ken, I have been reading your blog since day one. I must say I do enjoy it. You have a wonderful family and I wish you the best.
Take care.
I agree that Clinton may not be fully responsible for the surplus of the 90's, but I see Bush as being a lot more responsible for the current deficit. The cost of the Iraq war (a war that didn't have to happen) is staggering. I read somewhere that our government is spending 10 billion per MONTH on that war. So far me it's hard not to blame Bush for our current financial situation.