Saturday, December 8, 2012

Driving Off the Fiscal Cliff!

All I hear on the news lately is "THE FISCAL CLIFF" and how we're about to go off it.  On Good Morning America, they have a countdown......
"Just 30 more days till we go over the Fiscal Cliff!"
"25 more days until EVERYONE'S TAXES GO UP!"

If their goal is to scare people, it's probably working.  Hell, the thought of a two thousand dollar tax bill next month scares even me, and I don't get scared easily.  It won't destroy us, but it will do enough damage to our pocketbook that we'd have to make some cuts on non-essential things (going out to dinner, going out to the movies, buying crap etc.), which turn...hurt the economy.  I have a colleague here at work who barely makes enough to make her mortgage payment every month.  She's always looking around for a second job.  A $2000 tax bill could easily cause her to lose her house.'s kinda scary.  For some people, it could really be a matter of life and death.

A lot of blame will be passed around if this happens.  Some of it will go to Obama, but I think more of it will fall on the feet of the GOP.  The GOP is refusing to let tax rates go up on people who make more than 250k.  They're still grasping onto it with all their strength, not willing to let go.  They don't seem to understand that Obama won re-election based on the platform that taxes would go up on the wealthy.

None of this makes much sense to me.  Just what are the Republicans trying to accomplish by going against the will of the people?  If we do go over the "Fiscal Cliff" because of their stubbornness, they will see massive defeats in the 2014 elections.  It seems more logical to give Obama what he wants, and let the chips fall where they may.  If it's a failure, then it's Obama's failure, and the Republicans will have an excellent chance to take back the White House in 2016.  But continuing to obstruct everything the President does is just political suicide.


  1. Don't buy into the lie that raising taxes on the RICH, EXTREMELY RICH would some how hurt small businesses, LOL! That is the silliest thing ever recorded in the HISTORY OF MANKIND!!! Even the three wise men brought gifts to the baby Jesus in the humble abode of a stable. The first initial state of giving!!! Giving from the rich!!! Giving!!! JESUS GAVE!!! He fed five thousand and many more as we read in the bible, but he gave his life as the biggest giving of them all, so that we may have ETERNAL LIFE THROUGH HIM, JESUS!! It is a known fact that giving always INCREASES!!! WE READ THAT IN THE BIBLE!!! God shows us all how to give so that we all may received a blessing from HEAVEN, that one may not have room enough to hold. Let us remember that this country was founded on GOD! IN GOD WE TRUST!!!
