Friday, June 29, 2012

A Small Victory for Healthcare

Like most Democrats, I was surprised to see the Supreme Court uphold "Obamacare."  I was expecting it to fail by a 5-4 decision.  John Roberts decision to go along with the liberal judges, approving nearly every part of the health care law, and actually writing the majority opinion himself, was a real head-scratcher for me.  If it wasn't for him, this conservative judge, the Affordable Health Care Act would have been dead.  The other four justices wanted to kill the entire law.

Unlike most Democrats, however, I'm not jumping up and down in elation at this law being upheld.  The law still leaves control of healthcare in the hands of greedy insurance companies, and they will make millions off of this.  Ultimately what I'd like to see is universal healthcare, where everyone pays into the system (yes, a tax!), just like Taiwan and Canada and almost every other civilized country, and everyone is covered.   A snake bite should no longer cost someone $143,000 to treat.  A week in the hospital shouldn't make you go bankrupt.  If my daughter can spend a week in a hospital in Taiwan for about $35, why can't we do it here?

So, this law is far from perfect, but it's a small step in the right direction.  While most of the people who oppose it complain about the individual mandate, there are still several things to like about this law:  you can't be denied for a pre-existing condition, your kids can stay on your plan until they are 26, no lifetime limits on benefits, insurance companies must now spend 85 cents out of every dollar on actual reimbursement for your healthcare, not on "administrative costs."  How anyone could be opposed to these particular aspects of the law boggles the mind.

Mitt Romney, the author of "Obamacare" is of course out there promising to "repeal and replace" his own creation if he's elected president.  What will he replace it with?  Who knows.  He, nor anyone in the GOP has said.  I think we'd all like to know his plan, since we obviously can't continue down the "pre-Obamacare" path.

Personally, I don't really understand why the Republicans hate Obamacare so much.  This was designed to stop the uninsured freeloaders from going to the ER for simple aches and pains (which I see at my hospital a LOT) and then not pay a dime.  Who ends up paying?  We do.  Of course, this will still keep happening even after the law is implemented, but the percentage will go way down.  Just look at Massachusetts as an example:  the uninsured rate dropped from 6% to 2%, the majority of the people approve of "Romneycare", and the state is consistently rated one of the best in the country (for healthcare.)  Imagine that: Democrats supporting a law that supports personal responsibility and discourages freeloading off the system, and the Republicans opposing it.  I think the only reason they hate it now is because Obama supports it.

Some Republicans will shout and complain that this is one step further toward socialism, and they shouldn't be forced to buy something or else be taxed.  Oh are already being taxed for stuff you may or may not be using.  Schools, parks, beaches, post offices, fire departments, police departments, etc., all being paid for by your tax dollars.  Why not health care as well?  And believe me, eventually, one day, you WILL need health care.


  1. Very well said Ken. I have nothing to add. You said it perfectly. Thank you. Are you going to put this on facebook? If so, may I share it? If not, may I copy and paste this onto mine, if I get up the nerve? I'll give you credit, of course.

  2. Only in America's Republican party is Health care for all Abhorrent..

  3. I firmly believe in personal responsibility. I feel that state funding should be done away with altogether. Healthcare and pharmaceuticals are goods and services that need to be paid for. It is not free. Too many people feel they are entitled to these services. I have five children that I provide medical coverage for. We have premiums, copays, and deductibles. I work out payment plans with physicians, dentists, and hospitals when the out of pocket expenses are too high for me to pay in one shot. Why can't all Americans work out payment plans. Even if they cannot afford insurance they can receive "private payor" discounts with the hospitals. These low lives on medicaid pay for NOTHING!!! And they are allowed to produce as many offspring as they want! I think all entitlement programs should be cut!


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I deleted my comment. Some things just don't need to be said. Thanks!

  6. what amazes me is that the "greatest country on earth" is also the country with the worst record of providing healthcare for its citizens.. not everyone has a good job like congress who has a retirement and low cost healthcare for life no matter if you only served 2 years .. to be against healthcare for everyone is to be unchristian ..uncaring and just all around its me and I dont give a s&&t about the rest of you .. take a few minutes this morning and think what would Jesus have us do .. and then you might be the christian nation all those who are against healthcare for the masses say they want us to be .. when we fight useless wars when we send money to all the other countries in the world but we cant take care of ourselves then there is something wrong with this picture

  7. Janet,

    I think the problem with Tracy, and many conservatives, is that they only look at a small part of the big picture. They only look at those who are abusing the system. The people who receive welfare or Medicaid and don't really deserve it. We know that these people make up a very small minority of those receiving benefits. Most of them do, likely deserve it, for one reason or another.

    Republicans seem to think that if you're a liberal Democrat and support Obamacare, you must be lazy and living on welfare. Democrats think that if you're a Republican, you must a selfish, greedy, war-monger. There's good and bad and different extremes on both sides, so it would be nice if people would stop using these broad generalizations. Not everyone is either Michael Moore or Rush Limbaugh.

  8. "...just like Taiwan and Canada and almost every other civilized country". This implies that Taiwan is a civilized country.
