Wednesday, April 14, 2010

3 Months as a Homeowner

We’ve been living in our house for three months now, and we finally feel as though we’ve settled in.

Last weekend we had to buy our first lawnmower. We opted for the lower priced, manual lawnmower, which cost us $99. For almost three months, our backyard consistently looked like dead, brown patches of grass. Then suddenly, within the last several weeks, everything turned green and all manners of weeds sprouted up from nowhere. The two trees that we have on our front lawn, which Christy that for sure were dead, also suddenly sprouted leaves. So…much of our weekend was spent mowing the lawn and digging up weeds. Just another adventure you get to have once you become a homeowner.

I was a little concerned about skyrocketing utility bills, but our electricity bill has been around the $100 level. This is without having to use any heat or A/C. In retrospect, I guess it was good that we bought a smaller house, as opposed to all the fancy, two-story homes we had looked at previously. Some of my colleagues here at work, who have much bigger homes than me, pay about $300 a month for their electricity. Our water bill is about $70. Again, much higher than I used to pay, but not shockingly high, considering we use the washing machine and dishwasher frequently.

I guess my biggest shock is when I get my mortgage bill every month and I see that only about $150 of my payment is going to the principal on our house. The rest is going to interest and escrow. No wonder it takes so freakin’ long to pay off a mortgage. I was told that once you buy a house, you normally spend your first few years paying off the interest, but this is ridiculous.

(Picture: our once brown backyard, now green and full of weeds)

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