Monday, July 27, 2009


So, I just recently joined Facebook. One of my friends at work, Lourdes, was pretty much pestering me on a daily basis:

"You need to join facebook. You need to join facebook." she kept telling me.
"I will when I get around to it." I told her, and so a few months later I finally did it.

I was a bit reluctant at first, thinking Facebook would be something like "Twitter", which I have no desire to join. Do I really need to write about what I'm doing at every minute of the day? The following would be my typical daily Twitter comments:

"Woke up. Am currently eating cereal for breakfast. Babies are eating waffles and milk."
"Cleaning up Kyle's mess on the floor. Now they're watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse."
"Checking my email."
"Changing the kids clothes and diapers. Taking out the garbage."
"About to take a shower before getting ready for work."
"Preparing lunch for kids and myself."
"Today we're having grilled cheese sandwiches and sweet potato french fries."
"Cleaning up Kyle's mess again."
"Going to work."
"Back from work. Now I'm watching HBO 'On Demand'"

Pretty freakin' boring, huh? I don't need to do Twitter. Let President Obama have Twitter. Most of us just aren't that interesting.

Facebook, though, seems a little different, although it does have some "Twitter-like" similarities. Today, for example, I learned that one of my co-workers was sick with food poisoning for the last 3 days. I also learned that another one of my co-workers went to something that was called a "Redneck-White Trash Party" (that was the name they gave it, not me.)

On the plus side, I did discover that pretty much everyone that I've ever met in my entire life seems to be on Facebook. Seriously, people I haven't talked to since Kindergarten are on this thing. I found an old friend from the late 80's, early 90's, Larry Blizzard. He was a guy I knew from the BBS days, before any of us had the internet. He was a bit of a geek, into collecting Star Wars toys and going to porno conventions in Las Vegas. When I saw his picture on Facebook, he was posing with porn stars at a Vegas convention. He hasn't really changed. He hasn't accepted me as his "friend" yet, and maybe he wont. Not only that, I think some of these people rarely, if ever, check their Facebook accounts.

Every time I log into Facebook, they "suggest" people that I should become friends with. Usually they are people I went to high school with. They also suggested I should become friends with my sister, Wendy. I declined that suggestion, and numerous others. If I hated them in high school, I don't suddenly want to be their friend now.

I still haven't really decided what I think of Facebook yet. The jury's still out. The "voyeur" side of me finds it interesting. Looking at pictures of people I knew decades ago is kind of cool too. But will I still be interested in this site a year from now? Who knows?

1 comment:

  1. I refuse to join Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Kaioo, Flixster, Bebo, Tribe, Couchsurfing, Livejournal,, or Alligatorsurfpatrol. I do not even have a blog.

    If I have not spoken to someone in 25 years, I probably do not want to.

    Aside from distributing porn and instructions for assembling fissile material, the internet is useless to me.
