Monday, August 27, 2012

First Day of School

Today was the first day back to school for the kids.  Just as I thought, Sara was excited to be going back.  She loves school, and I can easily see her becoming a school nerd in the future.  Kyle, on the other hand, was a bit scared.  This was his first day ever at school, having skipped Pre-K and spending most of his time at home with me.  I have to say, I think I was more excited for him than he was.  Now I'll finally have some peace in the mornings.


  1. Very sweet pictures. How did Kyle do his first day ever? Did the kids talk about their teachers? Does Sara like it this afternoon still?

  2. Kyle liked school, but complained that "sometimes it was boring."

    Sara hasn't changed at all. She loves school. I hope she always feels that way.

  3. Sometimes it was boring? Better get used to it. They say if you are lucky you will have one good teacher in each school. That does not bode well for most of them.
