"I would send troops back into Iraq."
-Rick Perry, 1/7/12
Our governor sure is funny, isn't he? I can see why the guy refused to debate Bill White (the guy that ran against him for governor in 2010.)
With about 80% of Americans opposed to the Iraq war, Rick Perry made a pretty stupid (and politically suicidal) comment last night during yet another GOP debate. Rick Perry clearly has not had a good time during these debates. More often than not, he has come across as a buffoon, further cementing the bad reputation that Texans have among the rest of the country.
When asked what he'd be doing on a typical Saturday night, Perry replied that he'd be "at the shooting range." Ron Paul, on the other hand, said he'd be reading a book on economics. To me, Ron Paul had the best answer. Perhaps if Perry had read more books instead of shooting more guns, he'd have performed better in these debates.
Although I would never actually vote for Ron Paul, I liked much of what he had to say during the debate. Not about completely shutting down the government, but about how the US has become obsessed with "nation building." Ron Paul seems to be the only GOP candidate who speaks honestly and directly, and doesn't come across as a snake-like phony like Mitt Romney. Jon Huntsman had a few good ideas as well. Stop spending money on wars in foreign countries and start spending it here, on infrastructure and job creation. I think that's what most people want. Under a Rick Perry presidency, and Rick "Bomb Iran" Santorum, a war with Iran would be inevitable.
Since I haven't lived in Texas that long, I don't know how many terms a governor can serve here. Rick Perry is already on this third term, and he certainly isn't going to be moving into the Oval Office anytime soon. Will he run for a fourth term? God, I hope not. Let's just hope that, if he does, Texans will remember his embarrassing performances at these debates, and give the guy the big ol' Texas boot.
-Rick Perry, 1/7/12
Our governor sure is funny, isn't he? I can see why the guy refused to debate Bill White (the guy that ran against him for governor in 2010.)
With about 80% of Americans opposed to the Iraq war, Rick Perry made a pretty stupid (and politically suicidal) comment last night during yet another GOP debate. Rick Perry clearly has not had a good time during these debates. More often than not, he has come across as a buffoon, further cementing the bad reputation that Texans have among the rest of the country.
When asked what he'd be doing on a typical Saturday night, Perry replied that he'd be "at the shooting range." Ron Paul, on the other hand, said he'd be reading a book on economics. To me, Ron Paul had the best answer. Perhaps if Perry had read more books instead of shooting more guns, he'd have performed better in these debates.
Although I would never actually vote for Ron Paul, I liked much of what he had to say during the debate. Not about completely shutting down the government, but about how the US has become obsessed with "nation building." Ron Paul seems to be the only GOP candidate who speaks honestly and directly, and doesn't come across as a snake-like phony like Mitt Romney. Jon Huntsman had a few good ideas as well. Stop spending money on wars in foreign countries and start spending it here, on infrastructure and job creation. I think that's what most people want. Under a Rick Perry presidency, and Rick "Bomb Iran" Santorum, a war with Iran would be inevitable.
Since I haven't lived in Texas that long, I don't know how many terms a governor can serve here. Rick Perry is already on this third term, and he certainly isn't going to be moving into the Oval Office anytime soon. Will he run for a fourth term? God, I hope not. Let's just hope that, if he does, Texans will remember his embarrassing performances at these debates, and give the guy the big ol' Texas boot.
OMG, I guess I didn't post here. Chalk it up to my not feeling good for most of, no, all of 2011. I slowed down a lot. Getting better now.
ReplyDeleteThere is no Republican candidate I find acceptable. So many want to do such draconian things. They talk about "rights", HA! But Rick Perry is scary.