"Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes that you can do these things. Among them are a few Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or businessman from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower, l952
I came upon this quote this morning (thanks Janet Fish!) and found it pretty amazing that a Republican could say such a thing. I wonder what Ike would think about this current crop of GOP candidates. A sad bunch of characters if ever I saw one.
With Rick Perry no longer a viable candidate, Herman Cain, the "9-9-9" man, seems to be the flavor of the month within the conservative community. Obviously, I think his 999 plan is crap on a stick. I won't go as far as to say it's really a "666" devil plan, like Michelle Bachmann says, but his plan does totally screw the poor and middle class. A 9% tax on all goods and services, and another 9% on personal income would be crippling to the economy. Someone buying a brand new house for $100,000 would now have to add another $9,000 to the price. That is just insane. And don't get me started about the tax deductions that would end under his policies: The child tax credit? Gone. The mortgage interest deduction? Gone. A family of four (like mine), on a modest income, would end up paying thousands more than we do now. No matter how much Obama might suck as president, I can never get behind a presidential candidate with this sort of plan.
Although I support the "Occupy Wall Street" movement, their ultimate goal of separating corporations and state is going to be a tough one. My ex-wife Amber is a big participant of this movement, having gone to many of the local protests in Los Angeles. Democrats and Republicans alike have long been fattening their pocketbooks in service to big business. There's a well known story about our current Speaker of the House, John Boehner, giving out checks from the tobacco industry on the House floor for votes. I can tell you that politicians are not going to give this up without a fight.
In lighter news, this past weekend I took the family to "Southpark Meadows" (sort of a shopping mall and park mixed together) where they have live music on the weekends (for free!). This past weekend was the Pink Floyd cover band "Austin Pink Floyd." They were okay. Vocally, they kind of sucked, but the guitar player was pretty good. Here's a video of them playing "Comfortably Numb":
I wouldn't vote for Cain if his 9-9-9 plan was for FREE 9 inch, 9 topping pizzas, 9 times a week....
ReplyDeleteAs a middle class tax-payer, my tax bill would go UP by several thousand dollars a year while a Wall Street Commodity Trader that makes millions in oil futures will have his tax rate cut to ZERO since his income will be in the form of capital gains......but many simpel minded people will vote for his simple plan because they don't understand the details and once again, slogans rather than solutions may win the election.
Ken, I am continually amazed at the perspective you have about Republicans. The manner in which you write about them (or anything political, for that matter, is invariably inaccurate, often exaggerated to the point of being hyperbolic and yes, dogmatic. It seems that the opinions you write are entirely shot from the hip without much consideration that there is much more to the story than the black and white,"either or", Republican/Democrat, "Good vs Evil" convictions you tenaciously cling to. Calling the current GOP contenders "a sad bunch of characters" as if they were all a bunch of buffoons shows me you have very little undertanding of who these people truly are. Have you even bothered to check their credentials and accomplishments? It does not appear so. I dare say they are considerable and resepctable, especially in contrast to yours and mine. You are judging them solely on the fact that they are Republicans, and therefore, must be evil or heartless. It is not only an untrue perception, it is obtusely ignorant. Do you realize this?
ReplyDeleteHas it ever ocurred to you that many conservatives are good, wholesome people? There are many good people on both sides of the fence. People are far more than their political leanings. Far from being a stark B&W picture, it is more like a gray scale. Do you realize this too?
Plus, your facts and minutiae in your other posts are frequently off the mark for lack of scrutiny. For example, you recently wrote that Mr. Obama won the 2008 presidential election "by a landslide". In reality, he won only 53% of the popular vote. Certainly not a landslide by any stretch. You did not consider that the Electoral College is what makes an election appear as a landslide on a T.V. screen. And you cannot, in all candor, believe that if Jesus Christ were alive today that he would be a "bleeding heart liberal". Do you actually believe he would nod with approval watching a woman having an abortion of a perfectly healthy fetus? Think deeper on that fella.
As far as the "Occupy Wall Street" crowd goes, if you have taken the time to read their list of demands, you would quickly ascertain that this group of people are not working with a full set of frontal lobes. Their conception of how the world should be is pure fantasy. What this movement boils down to is disaffection from the responsibility they face as individuals to themselves. In one example, crying for "debt forgiveness for all", many are, in all probability, selfishly thinking of their own private debts and nothing more. Wall Street and Corporate America are what made their iPhone/Android/Instant Communication worlds possible to begin with. Their hypocrisy is boring. And I personally don't foresee any longevity to the movement. How can there possibly be?
That's my two cents worth of rambling today. Just remember that some of us laymen out here think critically. It's nothing personal.
ReplyDeleteSlogans? You mean slogans like "Yes, we can?" I don't exactly agree with the 9-9-9 Plan either, but wasn't it Leonardo that wrote "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication"? What would your plan be if you had to solve the problem?
ReplyDeleteWhen I write something in "Ramblings", it's meant to be a shoot from the hip (and not necessarily a well thought-out) post. That's why I try to keep my political opinions under the "Ramblings" posts, that's the whole meaning behind it. This is just how I feel right now, at this particular moment.
Of course there are decent conservative Republicans. Just as there are terrible liberals as well. I'm only talking politicians here, not average citizens. Living here in Texas, I've even made friends with some Republicans, and they are very nice people. We just don't talk politics.
My feeling is that the Republican party of 2011 has evolved into something resembling a radical, fringe group. It's members applaud the death of the uninsured and boo soldiers fighting for our country just because they are gay. And the politicians stand by quietly and don't rebuke them. Do you really think the old school Republicans like Eisenhower, Reagan, and even Bush Sr. would like this direction the party is taking?
The reality is, I don't really like either political party anymore because they are all in the pockets of big business. Even Hillary Clinton took bribes from health insurance companies in exchange for her giving up her pursuit of universal healthcare for all. From my understanding, the "Occupy Wall Street" movement is about keep big business out of government, and that's what I support.
Well Ken, thank you for the clarification.
ReplyDeleteYes, I am aware that these posts are a spontaneous type of rambling. It just sometimes seems that the message you are putting forth is meant to encompass and indict the whole group. I am a conservative, Republican and consider myself a pretty nice guy. I would never cheer a death nor think of booing a soldier because he is gay. Who and how anyone loves someone else is none of my or the governments' business. But, at the same time, I do not want it shoved in my face or legislated. Like the color of someone's skin, it just doesn't make any difference in the big scheme of things.
I too, have met many a jerks on both sides of the fence. I too, have a lot of liberal friends. Like you, we don't go to politics just like we don't go to religion because these things are personal beliefs. Fighting over these things with a friend is like fighting because he/she plays golf and you play softball and both of you think your sport is the best. Almost... not quite, but I think you get the picture.
By the way, the people you mention who applaud the death of the uninsured and boo soldiers ARE citizens and not politicians. I think that if it were possible for us to find out if these people were politically active, we might discover that they are not even registered to vote; they are just trouble-makers who want their viral moment of fame and attention in any way they can get it. And I think the politicians are more nonplussed than NOT reacting at all. It's the same as if you or I saw a guy urinating in a parking lot. Of course, we don't approve, but what can you say? Stop it?
Yes, the "Occupy Wall Street" movement is partly about keeping big business out of government. The problem lies in that they want the opposite arrangement. The truth of the matter is that government and business have always been and always will be in bed together; it's symbiotic in nature and generally works well for our country when us working stiffs get the trickle down. To scream, cry and kick about it on the street will change nothing.
How dare you bleeding heart liberal pussies post your opinions and not quote corporate misinformation and the eternal wisdom of radio entertainers. Has it ever occurred to you that everything you tree huggers say is wrong? You should know that by now. And if you don't then I'll just have to talk down to you because I obviously know more about things then you envirofascists ever can. After all, I post comments on blogs.
ReplyDeleteHow dare you say the current Republican candidates are not qualifed. You may not have ever said that, but I will assume you have because I know better. Herman Cain ran a pizza company, for God's sake. If that doesn't qualify someone to be president I don't know what does. AND he was a regional manager for Burger King. Mafia pizza and Burger King. That's as American as school shootings and meth. AND he chaired the federal reserve bank of Kansas City for a year. Kansas City. Beat that.
Michelle Bachmann has been in Congress for 5 years. FIVE. You need your entire hand to count how long she's been there. That has to be good enough.
Mitt Romney was a governor for a full term. Before that his company bought out Domino's Pizza. As all clear thinking, considerate people know, anyone who runs a pizza company is qualified to be president. Pizza is America.
Jon Huntsman was a governor for a full term. These are not half term liberal pussies. These brave men served an entire four years. AND he was ambassador to Singapore for almost a full year. AND he was ambassador to China for over 1 year. That's more than enough time to know everything about the most populated country in the world.
These fine men are all excellent examples of our nation's best and brightest business minds. When business leaders are in charge nothing can go wrong. That's change you can believe in.
The Wall Street hippies should all be shot. How dare they protest. Real Americans never protest. Unless it's against that black communist fascist HUSSEIN Obama.
Speaking of Nobama, how dare you say he was elected in a landslide. You call 365 to 173 a landslide. You need to go back to first grade math. That's barely more than twice as much. But that's electoral votes. Those don't count. It's the popular vote that matters. Unless you're talking about Al Gore. Nobama barely won the popular vote. Yes we can? Yes we can just barely win. And don't even mention Bush in 2000 or 2004 because that's different. Obama is black.
Homos should not be in the military. If you got off your liberal ass and actually volunteered to serve in the army against the advice of everyone you know then you would know that the last thing these men need is some homo checking out their package in the middle of combat. You can't fight the terrorismists if you're picking out fabrics and carpet.
ReplyDeleteLots of sarcastic semblance here. No one that posts here has said or implied what you have inferred. Electoral votes do count, certainly. But, the 2008 election was not a popular vote landslide. That was the point Skeezix. I trust you know the difference between the two. Also, you forgot to list Obama's extraordinary qualifications for the office he holds. As you also post comments on blogs as well as write one, you might want to list them there. Or here as you wish. Categorically, of course. You will be able to do it in one sentence without an economy of words. I think you're capable of it.
President Obama walks into the Bank of America to cash a check. As he approaches the cashier he says "Good morning Ma'am, could you please cash this check for me?"
ReplyDeleteCashier: "It would be my pleasure sir. Could you please show me your ID?”
Obama: "Truthfully, I did not bring my ID with me as I didn't think there was any need to. I am President Barack Obama, the president of the United States of America!!!!"
Cashier: "Yes sir, I know who you are, but with all the new regulations,monitoring, of the banks because of impostors and forgers, etc I must insist on seeing ID.”
Obama: "Just ask anyone here at the bank who I am and they will tell you. Everybody knows who I am.”
Cashier: "I am sorry Mr. President but these are the bank rules and I must follow them."
Obama: "I am urging you please to cash this check."
Cashier: "Look Mr. President this is what we can do: One day Tiger Woods came into the bank without ID. To prove he was Tiger Woods he pulled out his putting iron and made a beautiful shot across the bank into a cup. With that shot we knew him to be Tiger Woods and cashed his check."
Another time, Andre Agassi came in without ID. He pulled out his tennis racquet and made a fabulous shot whereas the tennis ball landed in my cup. With that shot we cashed his check."
"So, Mr. President, what can you do to prove that it is you, and only you, as the President of the United States?"
Obama stood there thinking, and thinking and finally says: "Honestly, there is nothing that comes to my mind. I can't think of a single thing I can possibly do."
Cashier: "Will that be large or small bills, Mr. President?"
Hussein Obama decided to give a speech against the backdrop of an American farm. But the ceremony could not get started because of all the flies buzzing around his head.
ReplyDeleteObama demanded to know why the flies would not leave, so the farmer explained to him, "Well, those are called circle flies. They always circle around lumps of shit."
Obama angrily replied, "Hey, are you saying that I'm a lump of shit?"
The farmer answered, "No, Sir. I would never call someone that. It's hard to fool them flies, though."