I was reading an old blog I wrote back in October of 2008, where I wrote that Barack Obama would become president by a landslide vote. I was right, of course, and I think now I can safely say that, even though it's 14 months away, Obama will lose by the same landslide in 2012. On Tuesday in New York, a Republican took the House seat that was recently vacated by disgraced democrat Anthony Weiner. What does it say when the Republicans start winning in places that always vote Democrat? It says that the Democrats are in for a horrendous loss next year.
But, you know, we deserve it. The Democrats have not done a good job. I've gone on numerous rants about Obama in previous blogs, so I won't keep beating a dead horse. It doesn't mean I'll jump to the dark side and vote Republican, though, and watching the GOP debate the other night just confirmed my beliefs that this party will never be for me. During one particular exchange, GOP candidate Ron Paul was asked if he would let a 30 year old man without health insurance just die if he was hospitalized from a terrible accident.
"Yes!" shouted several members of the audience, followed by laughter and thunderous applause.
To give Ron Paul some credit, he never actually said yes himself, but he kind of avoided the question, instead implying that maybe a "church" would help the guy out.
I don't want to get into health insurance again. I think I've already talked about that enough. I agree (to some extent) that "healthcare begins at the supermarket." People eat crap, and their poor health is a result of their own bad decisions. However, sometimes what you eat at the supermarket has nothing to do with medical emergencies. Healthcare is just one of many issues that I disagree with Republicans on. I also disagree with them on: taxes, abortion, gay marriage, military spending, regulations, climate change, wages and unions, etc. I could go on. I think the only issues where we see eye to eye are the death penalty and immigration reform. So, as much as I am disappointed with our current Commander-in-Chief, I won't sell out my beliefs just because I'm mad.
The Texas drought is really wreaking havoc on our front yard and backyard, and since we're only allowed to water our lawn two days a week, there isn't really much I can do to save it. We've got some hideous looking cracks on our lawns. It almost looks like there's been an earthquake and the ground is opening up. It's going to take lots and lots of rain to fix this, and I don't see that happening anytime soon. We haven't had a good rainstorm here in months, and when it does rain, it's just for about 10 minutes.
Sara is just tearing up 1st grade. She's gotten a score of "100" on every test that she has brought home. She even got "104" on one test, since she got the "bonus question" correct. I'm really proud of her.
This weekend is the big "Austin City Limits" music festival. I'll post some pictures from the festival over the next several days.
(Picture: The GOP contenders for President. A scary bunch, to say the least)
Ken, as a Texan, your vote in the Presidential election really won't make a difference anyway. Due to the electoral college, all the votes will go to the Republican candidate. Carter (1976) was the most recent Democrat to take Texas--and that didn't work out so well for the nation.
ReplyDeleteSo, you support HIGHER taxes, MORE abortions, LEGALIZED gay marriage, LESS military spending, MORE regulations--along with ALGORE's climate change...After 3 years in Texas, you are still a Liberal. I remember cracks in the ground in 1980. We called it summer--it was hot & dry.
Rush Limbaugh was debunking Global Warming way back in 1993 in his book "See I told you so." It's been nearly 20 years, folks. If the scientists haven't all come to an agreement on this topic by now, they never will.
ReplyDeleteWould 3 years living in Berkely, CA turn you into a liberal? hahaha Probably not. So..no, 3 years in Texas won't turn me into a conservative Republican either. Plus, I live in Austin, so I'm not exactly surrounded by typical Texans. The headline for the latest "Austin Chronicle" reads "Rick Perry's Body Count: 235." I guess you can tell Austin isn't a very Republican-friendly city.
I only support higher taxes for the wealthy. I don't support "more" abortions but I believe in a woman's right to choose. But yes, I do support legalized gay marriage, less military spending, and I believe in climate change. As for the scientists not coming to an agreement, the last CNN article I read stated that 90% of scientists agree that we are experiencing climate change. I'd say that's enough.