I've recently been seeing television ads for Barack Obama here in Texas. I was a bit surprised.
"Why is Obama wasting his money on advertisements in Texas? Is there doubt in anyones mind that he isn't going to win Texas?" I asked my wife.
My wife, who is Taiwanese and not even eligible to vote yet, agreed with me. We both think that Obama is the better candidate, and that VP nominee seems totally out of her league.
I saw the debate between her and Joe Biden. While she didn't seem as stupid as she did during her interviews with Katie Couric, I could tell that her answers were all pre-programmed from her "debate training camp" in Arizona. She had memorized all the words she was supposed to speak, but didn't understand the meaning behind them.
I really wonder what John McCain was thinking when he chose this woman as his running mate. I'm guessing he chose her to appeal to the Hillary Clinton supporters who don't like Obama. Here's another woman for you disillusioned Clinton supporters who don't want to vote for Obama!
If this was McCain's intention, he must really think that American women are idiots and are easily fooled. Clinton and Palin are about as different as two people can possibly be.
During the interviews with Katie Couric, Palin didn't know what the "Bush Doctrine" was, nor could she name a single Supreme Court case other than "Roe V. Wade." No big deal, right? Well, just because the average American can't answer these questions doesn't mean that the candidates who want the highest job in the country shouldn't be able to.
One thing that really bothered me about Palin was when she made the remark that she represents the "Average Joe Sixpack." This is ridiculous. We want our leaders to be better than the "Average Joe Sixpack." Much better. The President and the VP represent the entire country. We have a president right now that represents the "Average Joe Sixpack" and look where it's got us. Our candidates need to be the most intelligent and experienced people that we can get. These are the people that are going to be making life and death decisions for all of us.
Some may say "It's no big deal. It's only the vice president job. They don't really do anything anyway." This is true...BUT...this election is different. The VP for Obama and for McCain have to be seriously taken into consideration. McCain is a 72 year old man with health problems. Obama would be the first black president in a country that still has homicidal racists. It's very possible that either one of these VP's could be president during the first term. Can you imagine this country being run by Sarah Palin, the hockey mom from Alaska? It's a scary thought.
This whole thing is surreal. She bugs me. I find myself being so annoyed that I get to nit picking. Like she pronounces "nuclear" wrong.
ReplyDeleteAnd she needs to cut her bangs! In fact, cut her hair.
She doesn't look presidential. I never did like Hillary, but at least she had more of a presidential demeanor than Palin.
She obviously had no answer when they asked her about deregulation.
No one brings up the Keating 5, ever, and the only reason I can think they don't is that the other 4 were democrats. McCain was the only Republican.
I hope Obama wins.