The hospital that I work at has three shifts. There's the one I currently work, which is 6am to 2:30pm. The next shift, known as the "night shift", is 2:00pm to 10:30pm. The 3rd shift, "the graveyard shift", is 10:00pm to 6:30am.
I just couldn't take waking up at 5am anymore. In the last two months I can only recall about 3 days where I didn't feel tired or ill, so I asked my boss if I could switch to the second shift. My boss seemed surprised when I asked her.
"Wow, usually people want to transfer to the day shift, not vice versa." she said to me. She also told me that by working the second shift, I'd get a 55 cent raise, and she said if I was willing to work the graveyard shift, it would be an 85 cent raise.
There is no way I'd work the graveyard shift. I'd rather quit than work those kind of hours. If I got off work at 6:30 in the morning, my wife would think we don't need daycare anymore, and I'd never get a minute of sleep.
So with the raise and the extra free time in the morning and afternoon, I figured it would be a no-brainer to take the second shift. 10:30pm is not really that late to me. I always worked nights in Taiwan, often until 10pm and sometimes later.
"You'll have to give up your social life if you work the night shift." one of my colleagues told me.
Ha! What social life? Do you think it's possible to have an active social life when you have two small children? Buddy, my social life has been dead for the last four years!
So in a little over a week I'll start my new hours, and I'm telling you it can't come soon enough.
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