I've never gone to any "Black Friday" sales, not even one. Nor do I have any intention of going to one, although I'm always curious to see what sort of mayhem will erupt somewhere in the country. Just doing a quick Google search of "Black Friday violence 2011" I see that some woman used pepper spray on a bunch of people at a Wal-Mart. And there were a few shootings as well. Very, very sad.
One item this year did catch my eye, though. There was a Sharp, 40 inch 1080p HD TV for sale for $199 at Best Buy. This seemed like a good deal to me, but then I read the stories that people were camping out since Tuesday to get this deal on Friday. Yes, there are people willing to give up 3 days of their lives, miss Thanksgiving dinner with their families, just so they can get a cheap television set. A television, it seems, is more important than spending time with your family. Luckily, I know my priorities. If I can't just walk in and buy something without spending hours (or days) in line, it isn't worth it to me.
So, this morning, I thought I would check out some of the deals on Amazon from the comfort of my own home. Most of the stuff Amazon is offering is stuff I would never buy (a 7-pack of cassette tapes? really? who still uses cassettes?) Then I noticed an electronic toy from LeapFrog, a company that makes educational toys for kids. It was currently on sale for only $7.00, so I thought I would buy it for my son Kyle. The Amazon website, it seemed, was so overloaded that I couldn't even buy it. First they had a problem with address, and I had to enter it into their system about 3 separate times. After that, I couldn't apply my rewards points to the purchase. I tried again a few times, but kept getting the same error messages. By the time I navigated my way through their checkout process, the discounted toy was back to its original price, and was now "sold out." So...screw 'em. If they can't anticipate the volume of users going to their website today, then they are freakin' idiots. They had an option to "chat" with one of their customer service reps, but it was conveniently not working today, so instead I sent them a nice little email, complete with colorful language.
Happy Black Friday everyone!
(Picture: "If you listen to fools, the mob rules!)