Ooops, wrong again!
It seems that Harold Camping's prediction that Doomsday would come last Saturday didn't come to pass. As 6pm approached on Saturday, we were at Costco. Surprisingly, it wasn't very busy in the store. It's usually always busy whenever we go, but this time it only seemed to be at 50% of its normal capacity.
I thought to myself: This is not a holiday weekend. Why is this store so dead today? Could people really be that stupid that they think The Rapture is really going to happen at 6pm??
I really hope that wasn't the reason. I always thought that Austinites are a bit smarter than that.
So anyway, now the guy says that October 21st will be the end of the world. Jeez, dude, give it a break. It didn't happen on May 21st, and it's not going to happen on October 21st. If anybody out there really believes this, then please write me a check and post-date it for October 22nd. You have nothing to lose, right?
The hardcore liberals out there are going a bit too far over the Osama Bin Laden execution. There seems to be some anger directed towards Obama for killing an apparently unarmed man. As a liberal myself, I have no problem with with the Seal team did. Sure, it would have been nice to bring Osama back here for a trial, which would have undoubtedly lead to his execution anyway. But this way saved us time and money, not to mention all the fanatics that would be kidnapping Americans demanding Osama's release. Obama made the right choice. Osama Bin Laden is now just becoming a small footnote in history.
As an update to my ACL post, it seems like we'll be going after all. Christy informed me, too my surprise, that she is a Stevie Wonder fan, and wants to see him Saturday night at the festival. It seems that Stevie Wonder is very popular in Taiwan. I never knew this, nor did I realize she liked him. Oh well, you learn something every day. So, with Coldplay on Friday night (a band that I actually like), and Stevie on Saturday, it seems the show won't be a total washout.
Christy also found a new job last week. A job where she can finally utilize her Mandarin abilities. I always felt her previous job was a bit beneath what she was capable of. So now she will finally be making a decent salary. With China pretty much owning the United States these days, I think knowing how to speak Mandarin will be pretty essential in the future.