"There is no scenario where allowing concealed weapons on college campuses will do anything other than create a more dangerous environment for students, faculty, staff and visitors."
-Oklahoma Chancellor of Higher Education Glen Johnson , January 2011
I don't know when...or if...I'll ever be able to call Texas "home." I see constant reminders, either on TV or online, of just how backwards this state is regarding their gun laws. The "guns in school" law is pushing forward again, and this time it seems likely to pass. You know, I'm not a total crazy liberal who wants to abolish all guns, but I think a line should be drawn somewhere. Keep your guns at home, to protect your home and family, or stop the British from their bloodthirsty desire for world domination.
We took the kids to see "Gnomeo and Juliet" this past weekend. I slept through parts of it, but I think the kids liked it. I told my wife I don't want to see any more kids animated movies until the summertime, when the Pixar stuff comes out. It's just too torturous to sit through these things.
For those of you who comment on my blog every now and then, you may have noticed that I put the security "word verification" back on. I had to because I kept getting Japanese sex spam every single day. It was out of control.
Republicans seem to be praising the legacy of Ronald Reagan lately. Although personally I think a lot of the problems today began from his administration, this guy would probably be considered a liberal in the eyes of today's Republican party. He was for amnesty for illegal aliens, he opposed torture, he wanted to ban assault rifles, he appointed judges that upheld Roe v. Wade, he wanted to eliminate all nuclear weapons, etc. Sounds a bit like a wacky leftist, doesn't it?
-Oklahoma Chancellor of Higher Education Glen Johnson , January 2011
I don't know when...or if...I'll ever be able to call Texas "home." I see constant reminders, either on TV or online, of just how backwards this state is regarding their gun laws. The "guns in school" law is pushing forward again, and this time it seems likely to pass. You know, I'm not a total crazy liberal who wants to abolish all guns, but I think a line should be drawn somewhere. Keep your guns at home, to protect your home and family, or stop the British from their bloodthirsty desire for world domination.
We took the kids to see "Gnomeo and Juliet" this past weekend. I slept through parts of it, but I think the kids liked it. I told my wife I don't want to see any more kids animated movies until the summertime, when the Pixar stuff comes out. It's just too torturous to sit through these things.
For those of you who comment on my blog every now and then, you may have noticed that I put the security "word verification" back on. I had to because I kept getting Japanese sex spam every single day. It was out of control.
Republicans seem to be praising the legacy of Ronald Reagan lately. Although personally I think a lot of the problems today began from his administration, this guy would probably be considered a liberal in the eyes of today's Republican party. He was for amnesty for illegal aliens, he opposed torture, he wanted to ban assault rifles, he appointed judges that upheld Roe v. Wade, he wanted to eliminate all nuclear weapons, etc. Sounds a bit like a wacky leftist, doesn't it?
(Picture: "Yee-haw!" Texas Governor Rick Perry, known for shooting coyotes while jogging, shows off his love for guns.)