I've been reading some articles recently about Ikea opening some new stores in China. The pictures are coming in of massive crowds both inside and outside the store (see pic above.) This doesn't surprise me at all. I remember the crowd of 20,000 people who showed up at a Costco store opening in Taichung, Taiwan. (you can read my blog entry here: http://kenberglund.blogspot.com/2008/04/costco-opens-in-taichungand-all-hell.html
It seems the Chinese aren't actually buying anything at Ikea, but instead just going there to sleep in the beds (and put their children in cribs to have naps). I mentioned this story to my wife, who replied "What?? I would never sleep in those beds. It's so dirty. You don't know how many different people have been lying in them."
Those are my feelings exactly, and the Chinese never cease to amaze me with their bizarre behavior. Whether it's going completely homicidal apeshit over 10 free eggs at Costco, urinating in public at the Hong Kong Disneyland, or sleeping in beds at furniture stores.
"When we go to Ikea, it feels like we're abroad." said one Chinese shopper at Ikea.
I still don't really understand this total adulation that China and Taiwan have over western culture. Is it the movies and television that have done this to them? Have they watched too many episodes of "Friends" that they think this is what America really is? Is it all the Meg Ryan and Sandra Bullock movies?
It's kind of sad to see so much western influence in Asia these days. There was even talk about opening a Starbucks or a McDonalds in the Forbidden City. I'm not sure whether that happened or not, but that's just wrong. Our culture isn't one the Chinese should try to emulate.
I'll probably go back to Taiwan next year, and the last thing I want to see is Taiwan turn into another America. I like all the temples and Buddha statues and duck head stands. If those are gone and replaced with more McDonalds and Costcos and Ikeas, I will be very disappointed.
It seems the Chinese aren't actually buying anything at Ikea, but instead just going there to sleep in the beds (and put their children in cribs to have naps). I mentioned this story to my wife, who replied "What?? I would never sleep in those beds. It's so dirty. You don't know how many different people have been lying in them."
Those are my feelings exactly, and the Chinese never cease to amaze me with their bizarre behavior. Whether it's going completely homicidal apeshit over 10 free eggs at Costco, urinating in public at the Hong Kong Disneyland, or sleeping in beds at furniture stores.
"When we go to Ikea, it feels like we're abroad." said one Chinese shopper at Ikea.
I still don't really understand this total adulation that China and Taiwan have over western culture. Is it the movies and television that have done this to them? Have they watched too many episodes of "Friends" that they think this is what America really is? Is it all the Meg Ryan and Sandra Bullock movies?
It's kind of sad to see so much western influence in Asia these days. There was even talk about opening a Starbucks or a McDonalds in the Forbidden City. I'm not sure whether that happened or not, but that's just wrong. Our culture isn't one the Chinese should try to emulate.
I'll probably go back to Taiwan next year, and the last thing I want to see is Taiwan turn into another America. I like all the temples and Buddha statues and duck head stands. If those are gone and replaced with more McDonalds and Costcos and Ikeas, I will be very disappointed.