"If we can find the money to kill people, we can find the money to save people."
-Tony Benn, British Labour Politician
....And with that, healthcare reform begins.
Wow, it was exactly a month ago when I was lamenting on the fact that healthcare reform was probably dead. But...like a Taiwanese in-law, it's back again!
Like I had said before, it's not a perfect fix, but it's a start. What's amazing to me is how many people believe all the misinformation that's been going around. Some of my "friends" on Facebook are shouting things like "SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR FREEDOM!" or "THIS IS HOW SOCIALISM STARTS!" (FYI - these people aren't really my friends, but people I might have known 20 years ago that decided they wanted to add me on Facebook....just wait till they read my blog, then maybe they'll delete me. hehe)
Just exactly how are we losing our freedom? Here is FACT #1, from the "Politifact Website":
1. The plan is not a government takeover of health care like in Canada or Britain. The government will not take over hospitals or other privately run health care businesses. Doctors will not become government employees, like in Britain. And the U.S. government intends to help people buy insurance from private insurance companies, not pay all the bills like the single-payer system in Canada. The key parts of the current U.S. system -- employer-provided insurance, Medicare for the elderly, Medicaid for the poor -- would stay in place. The government would create health insurance exchanges for people who have to buy insurance on their own, so they could more easily compare plans and prices.
Does this sound like a government takeover? Hardly. If anything, it's going to give people MORE freedom to choose.
Now, FACT #2 is one of my personal favorites:
2. Insurance companies will be regulated more heavily. They will be told the minimum services they must cover, including preventive care. They will have to pay out a certain percentage of premiums for patient care. By 2014, when the exchanges open, insurers won't be able to deny customers for pre-existing conditions
Regulation is exactly what the insurance industry needs. Oh man, do they need regulation. Insurance companies are evil, greedy bastards who will figure out any loophole to keep from paying your claims. I wish this regulation started right now.
Now, someone like me, who's not dirt poor, but not wealthy either, my insurance will probably stay about the same. My premiums might actually go up a little bit, but with that increase will come better coverage. If me or someone in my family gets sick, maybe I won't have to worry about losing our house to pay our medical bill. My only concern is if the premiums skyrocket, but from what I'm hearing, there will be a cap on premiums, depending on your income.
The Republican politicians hate this bill. Absolutely loathe it. If they didn't have to resort to racial slurs outside the Capitol building, and shouting "Baby killer!" inside, maybe they'd get a little more respect from me. Their pockets are lined so deep with insurance company cash that they can't see the big picture. The money that is being spent is for a common good. It's not being spent to attack sovereign nations or bomb wedding parties in distant countries. It's not being spent to build weapons. It's not being spent to build an empire in the middle east. It's being spent right here on the citizens of the USA, to give people healthcare who wouldn't have it otherwise.
Speaking of the "baby killer" remark. I was really, really hoping that the person who shouted that wasn't a senator from Texas. But...guess what...it was! Another embarrassing moment for Texas, I'm afraid. I'm a reluctant Texan, but I've made it my home, so I really hope that someday we can get out of this stigma of being labeled a state full of uneducated hicks. Watching Bill Maher last Friday night, he made this joke about Texans wanting to change school textbooks:
"The only use that Texans have for textbooks is to stand on them to watch football games."
Of course, after bashing Texas, he went on to say he would be appearing live in El Paso on April 3rd. Still, is Texas always going to be the butt of jokes? I hope one day it's not.
So...there are my thoughts on the current state of healthcare reform. I know of at least one person who will benefit greatly from this bill. My ex-mother-in-law. She's been denied health insurance because of a pre-existing condition. Now she'll be able to get insurance.
Good job dems. Now start working on a public option, create more jobs, and start reigning in the banking industry.
-Tony Benn, British Labour Politician
....And with that, healthcare reform begins.
Wow, it was exactly a month ago when I was lamenting on the fact that healthcare reform was probably dead. But...like a Taiwanese in-law, it's back again!
Like I had said before, it's not a perfect fix, but it's a start. What's amazing to me is how many people believe all the misinformation that's been going around. Some of my "friends" on Facebook are shouting things like "SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR FREEDOM!" or "THIS IS HOW SOCIALISM STARTS!" (FYI - these people aren't really my friends, but people I might have known 20 years ago that decided they wanted to add me on Facebook....just wait till they read my blog, then maybe they'll delete me. hehe)
Just exactly how are we losing our freedom? Here is FACT #1, from the "Politifact Website":
1. The plan is not a government takeover of health care like in Canada or Britain. The government will not take over hospitals or other privately run health care businesses. Doctors will not become government employees, like in Britain. And the U.S. government intends to help people buy insurance from private insurance companies, not pay all the bills like the single-payer system in Canada. The key parts of the current U.S. system -- employer-provided insurance, Medicare for the elderly, Medicaid for the poor -- would stay in place. The government would create health insurance exchanges for people who have to buy insurance on their own, so they could more easily compare plans and prices.
Does this sound like a government takeover? Hardly. If anything, it's going to give people MORE freedom to choose.
Now, FACT #2 is one of my personal favorites:
2. Insurance companies will be regulated more heavily. They will be told the minimum services they must cover, including preventive care. They will have to pay out a certain percentage of premiums for patient care. By 2014, when the exchanges open, insurers won't be able to deny customers for pre-existing conditions
Regulation is exactly what the insurance industry needs. Oh man, do they need regulation. Insurance companies are evil, greedy bastards who will figure out any loophole to keep from paying your claims. I wish this regulation started right now.
Now, someone like me, who's not dirt poor, but not wealthy either, my insurance will probably stay about the same. My premiums might actually go up a little bit, but with that increase will come better coverage. If me or someone in my family gets sick, maybe I won't have to worry about losing our house to pay our medical bill. My only concern is if the premiums skyrocket, but from what I'm hearing, there will be a cap on premiums, depending on your income.
The Republican politicians hate this bill. Absolutely loathe it. If they didn't have to resort to racial slurs outside the Capitol building, and shouting "Baby killer!" inside, maybe they'd get a little more respect from me. Their pockets are lined so deep with insurance company cash that they can't see the big picture. The money that is being spent is for a common good. It's not being spent to attack sovereign nations or bomb wedding parties in distant countries. It's not being spent to build weapons. It's not being spent to build an empire in the middle east. It's being spent right here on the citizens of the USA, to give people healthcare who wouldn't have it otherwise.
Speaking of the "baby killer" remark. I was really, really hoping that the person who shouted that wasn't a senator from Texas. But...guess what...it was! Another embarrassing moment for Texas, I'm afraid. I'm a reluctant Texan, but I've made it my home, so I really hope that someday we can get out of this stigma of being labeled a state full of uneducated hicks. Watching Bill Maher last Friday night, he made this joke about Texans wanting to change school textbooks:
"The only use that Texans have for textbooks is to stand on them to watch football games."
Of course, after bashing Texas, he went on to say he would be appearing live in El Paso on April 3rd. Still, is Texas always going to be the butt of jokes? I hope one day it's not.
So...there are my thoughts on the current state of healthcare reform. I know of at least one person who will benefit greatly from this bill. My ex-mother-in-law. She's been denied health insurance because of a pre-existing condition. Now she'll be able to get insurance.
Good job dems. Now start working on a public option, create more jobs, and start reigning in the banking industry.
(...and to Sara and Kyle, the country just became a slightly better place for you to live in.)