So, currently the top news story on CNN is the divorce of Jon & Kate Gosselin, the couple featured on the popular reality show "Jon & Kate Plus Eight." Apparently the reason for the divorce is that the husband was cheating. This seems to be drawing more attention than anything going on in Iran or North Korea right now. We seem to be very close to war with North Korea, but this is what people want to read. Go figure.
I also got this post on my Taiwan blog today, from a guy called "Lucky Dog":
"I married a lovely 21 year old filipina woman when I was 38. About 17 months later she got her visa and we came home to the good old USA. We had a beautiful daughter and everything went well for about 5 years. Then I started seeing the signs. Girls night out without husbands became more and more frequent, Lack of desire for sex with husband, Five year old daughter talking about going to lunch with mommys friend-who was/is a boy and has a dog named Ghost, Two valentine cards in her truck...well you can guess the rest.
They are great wives in their own country where their men are undesirable and cheating on husbands is a family disgrace, but when they get to America there are many desirable and tempting men in a society that allows them freedoms they have never experienced before...freedoms that are hard to resist."
This post basically gives you the answers as to why his Asian bride cheated on him. She's 21.
Had this guy written to me sooner, I most likely would have advised him not to marry a 21 year old, especially since he's 38. 21 year olds are clueless as to what they want in life. Look at my own life as an example. I was married to my first wife when I was 21, and she was 19, and it ended in divorce. I responded to "Lucky Dog" by telling him he should go for the older Filipino women, closer to his own age, like, say, around 33 - 36. Chances are, they've already been around the block and had their fun, and are more likely ready to settle down.
I'm not too worried about Christy cheating on me. I mean, I can't guarantee 100% that she'll never do it, but she just doesn't even remotely seem like the type that would. After I showed her this post, she informed me that she thinks American men aren't much different from Taiwanese men (which is a big insult to American men, let me tell you.) She also seems to think that Filipinos are more apt to cheat than Taiwanese. I asked her why.
"Because a lot of Filipinos are married to Taiwanese men." she replied. Makes sense, I guess.